Loren Q. Hanson
30th Knight Commander
Alpha Kappa, Omicron–University of Missouri, University of Texas, 1950
Loren Q. Hanson was born in Vienna , South Dakota , in September 7, 1929 and initiated at Alpha Kappa Chapter in 1950. He later transferred to Omicron. A Commander of the Mikell Province from 1964 to 1969, he helped found the province’s Court of Honor. Chairman of the Laws Revision Committee in 1972, Hanson founded and was elected the first vice president of the Fort Worth Kappa Alpha Alumni Association in 1963. He served on the Executive Council from 1969 to 1977 and was Senior Councilor from 1974 to 1977, where he was elected as Knight Commander at the Houston Convention. As Knight Commander, Hanson engaged professional consultants to automate fund-raising efforts and establish a firm policy against hazing. An attorney by profession, he also instituted liability coverage for all active chapters. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment on behalf of Kappa Alpha was the development and founding of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation in 1981 to further assist the National Leadership Institute, enhance the education of young men, and assist in the establishment of a national headquarters. A leader in the Order’s progressive movement, he worked to revise the membership qualifications and was the first Knight Commander to establish a chapter north of the Mason-Dixon Line . Hanson served as a director of the State Bar of Texas from 1985 to 1988 and has been active and gratefully acknowledged for his contributions to his legal and local communities.