Lakeland, Florida held its first Indie Festival on Sunday, February 28, 2021, at The Yard on Mass with a large turnout from the local community. Music management and business administration graduate, Christopher P. “Chris” Torres (Gamma Pi–Florida Southern ’05), coordinated with the venue to hold an event where local musicians could showcase some of their own music.
“Being able to have a music event outside, safe and socially distanced is what I wanted to give people,” Chris said. “I want to give friends, fellow musicians, and people something fun to do. We’re giving musicians, artists, and vendors a chance to express their art. We’re not just cover performers in Lakeland. We have a music scene that’s original. We have musicians creating and releasing art on multiple platforms.”
In addition to food available from various food trucks and drinks purchased through The Yard’s bar, the festival featured live music no intermissions with bands alternating performances on two stages.